Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Ok i love to write, stories, songs, but mostly POETRY...but i haven't posted in ages...because i completely forgot that i had set this blog up until a month or so ago when i came across barb the bad dricki story...which is FAB! Second reason is my poetry are my life! They are based on actual events in my life, friends, and others i hold dear to my heart. Sometimes its random thing i witness, and the feeling or emotion it stirs up. Therefore its really hard for me to share them with people. My mom was behind me for the longest time to publish my work, for i have a whole book filled with them. And i shied away from the idea. But lately i've been posting them on my i decided to take it a step forward and share it with ya'll. OH thanks to Barb_thebad and Teamminajlexi forya'll comments. appreciate it <3. 

Silently crying...the worst cry 
Silently dying....a horrific death
Silently happy...a miserable life

I cling to the memories
I cling to what use to be
A whisper of the mute
A 20/20 vision...blind

A clouded mind
A helpless soul
An endless course
Why fight the inevitable

You hear my voice
You have a choice
Pluck your ears
And nolonger hear my cries

You see my face
You dont have to embrace
Pluck your eyes
And im out of sight

We're in my world
you feel invaded
now kill yourself
And you're evacuated

Word of the wise cry if you want to
Embrace Death, cause you're bound to
Laugh hard cause you have a right to
Be free, live happy, cause this is the time to